See the updated User Management articles in the Learnsoft Knowledge Base
Users - Quick Start Guide
Access the Users Feature
- 1 - Navigate to the Advanced View, hover over the User Management dropdown menu and select Users.
- 2 - This will bring up the User List which provides a listing of all Users in the LMS system.
- 3 - Navigate, sort and search to find desired users.
- Use checkboxes to the left to select multiple users
- Click inside the row to bring up user details of the selected user where you can view and edit user info
- Click the Add User button to add new users
Enroll Users in a Course Instance
- 1 - Click on the checkbox(es) to the left of the row of the particular user(s) you wish to enroll .
- a - You can quickly select all the users of a particular search by clicking on the Select All Link at the bottom of the page.
- 2 - Once you have selected the users, click on the Enroll Users button located near the top right of the page.
- 3 - This will launch the Learning Object instance List in a separate popup window.
- 4 - Use the search, sort and navigation functions to find the specific course instance or instances to which you wish to enroll the selected users in.
- 5 - Click the check box to the left of the specific instance(s)
- 6 - Click the Add Learning Object button.
- 7 - The popup window will close, the system will show a timer screen while processing and upon completion the results of the request for each individual and course will be displayed in the upper left hand between the Advanced Menu and User List.
Add a User - Single User Manual Entry
- 1 - Navigate to the Advanced View, hover over the User Management dropdown menu and select Users to bring up the User List.
- 2 - Click the New Users button in the upper right hand corner of the Users List.
- 3 - This will bring up the New User / Users Details Screen.
- 4 - Enter the required fields of Employment Type*, First Name*, Last Name*, Hire Date*, New Password*, Confirm Password*, Language*, User Name* and select the associated cost center from the Availability Tree found by clicking on the Division* section icon.
- NOTE: Ensure you choose the lowest cost center / departmental level (Expand the tree fully) or it may cause problems later.
- 5 - It is recommended to enter an Email address as this field will be used for notifications of assignments, reminders, enrollments, etc.
- 6- It is recommended to add a Position as this can be useful in assigning and enrolling users in courses. To do so, click on the icon to the right of the Position textbox. This will launch the Job Position Lookup / Job List Screen in a popup window.
- a - Use the navigation, sort and search features to find the desired position, then click on the associated checkbox to the left, then click the Add Job Position button. The popup window will close and the Position textbox will populate with the selected position.
- 7 - Enter any additional optional field info.
- 8 - Once all desired information has been entered, click the Save button.
- 9 The new User will be saved and his / her Users Details Screen will reload with the updated information and additional sections, including the User's Name and system generated ID in the upper left hand corner and assignment in the Standard User Group to be found in the Available Group section.
- 10 - To return to the User List click Exit, or¦
- To make changes to the User Details, click Edit, or¦
- To enter further information to the User's profile, see the sections below.
Add Multiple Users Using the Excel User Uploader Feature
- 1 - Navigate to the Advanced View, hover over the User Management dropdown menu and select Users to bring up the User List.
- 2 - (Optional) Click on the User Upload text link in the upper right hand corner of the Users List screen.
- a - This will pop up a dialog box allowing you to Open or Save an Excel File containing the template required to use the Excel user uploader.
- b - Click Save (or Save as) if wishing to save for future reference and use and follow the standard Windows menu options to give permission and to select where to save the file. When ready to use open in Excel.
- c - Click Open if wishing to use the file at that time. It will launch and open in Excel (you may need to allow permission for the file to open). The Template file will contain sample data.
- 3 - Fill in the required data and any desired optional data for each user in a separate row (without empty rows)
- Erase the Sample data row (Can be done before or after entering data for the actual new users) and make sure there is no stray data elsewhere in the spreadsheet tab.
- 4 - When finished Save the file on your local drive.
- 5 - Click the Choose File (Browse for some clients) button in the upper right hand corner to load the Windows open File dialog.
- a - Navigate to the location where the file was saved (in step 5), select and click Open.
- b - The file path should be populated in the Choose File (Browse for some clients) textbox.
- 6 - Click the Update Users button
- 7 - Wait while the system processes the users. Each record will be added and a message will display in the upper left hand corner of the user list.
- 8 - Check to ensure all users have been added. If not, or if errors, correct the sheet to ensure accurate field entry and repeat steps 4 - 10.
- 9 - Sort the list by ID in Descending Order. Your users should appear as the last items in the list.
Add or Delete Current Supervisors
- 1 - Access the User Profile by selecting Advanced Menu, User Management, Users, finding the desired User and clicking on the row of the User's info to launch the User Details Page / Profile.
- 2 - Scroll down to the section Current Supervisors to see a listing of Supervisors associated with the User.
- 3 - To delete a currently assigned Supervisor, click on the red X in the Delete Column on the left side of the row of the specifically named supervisor.
- Confirm if asked.
- 4 - To add a new supervisor, click the New Supervisor button at the top right of the Current Supervisors section.
- 5 - This will launch the User Lookup / User List in a popup window.
- 6 - Sort, Navigate and search as required to find the desired supervisor and click the Add User button.
- 7 -The popup will close and the selected user will be shown as a supervisor in the Current Supervisors section.
- 8 - Repeat as necessary for any additional supervisors.
Add, Edit or Delete Available Groups
- 1 - Access the User Profile by selecting Advanced Menu, User Management, Users, finding the desired User and clicking on the row of the User's info to launch the User Details Page / Profile.
- 2 - Click on the Groups tab in the Navigation Bar or scroll down to the section Available Groups to see a listing of Groups associated with the User.
- 3 - To add a new Group, click the New Group button at the top right of the Available Groups section.
- To edit the existing info, click the pencil icon in the Edit column on the far right of the row of the group you wish to edit.
- To delete an existing group association, click on the red X in the Delete Column on the left side of the row of the specifically named group. Confirm if asked. (NOTE: It is recommended practice to edit and make a group association inactive, rather than delete).
- 4 - This will launch the Add User Group / Group Details Screen in a popup window.
- 5 - Use the Group* drop down menu to select the group to add from the prepopulated listing of all groups created for the organization.
- 6 - Click the Active checkbox if wishing to make this group association active for this user.
- 7 - Click on the triangle icon to select the required Division* field from the popup availability tree.
- Use the + sign to expand the tree.
- Select the checkbox next to the appropriate division to which this group will apply.
- 8 - Enter additional optional information as desired
- 9 - When all entries are complete, click Save.
- 10 - The popup will close and the new Group will appear in the Available Groups section.
View, Add or Delete an Attachment
- 1 - Access the User Profile by selecting Advanced Menu, User Management, Users, finding the desired User and clicking on the row of the User's info to launch the User Details Page / Profile.
- 2 - Scroll down to the Attachment section to see a listing of Documents that have been added to the User's Profile.
- 3 - If you wish to view an existing Attachment, click on the document icon in the Attachment column to launch the associated file in a pop up window.
- 4 - If you wish to delete an attachment, click on the red X in the Delete Column on the left side of the row of the specific attachment. Confirm if asked.
- 5 - To add a new attachment, click the New Attachment button at the top right of the Attachment section. This will launch the Add Attachment screen in a popup window.
- 6 - Select the document type from the Type dropdown.
- 7 - Click the Browse button to the right of the required Enter File Location field to launch the Windows file dialog box.
- 8 - Navigate your Windows file system to find the document you wish to upload. Select and click open.
- The path will now appear in the Enter File Location field.
- 9 - Enter a name for the file in the Name field.
- 10 - Enter a description of the file in the Description Field.
- 11 - If desiring to also email the file, select the recipient from the Email To: dropdown menu.
- a - If you selected Others then enter the email address in the Other Emails textbox below the dropdown.
- a-1 - Separate multiple addresses with commas (,) not the semi-colon (;) which is used by outlook.
- 12 - When all entries have been made, click the Upload File button to upload the attachment to the User Profile, and if selected, email the attachment.
- 13 - The Attachment will now appear in the user's profile.
- You may need to exit the profile and return to refresh the page to be able to view the updated info.
Use the Available Learning Object Sessions Section
- 1 - Access the User Profile by selecting Advanced Menu, User Management, Users, finding the desired User and clicking on the row of the User's info to launch the User Details Page / Profile.
- 2 -Either click on the Enrollments tab of the Navigation menu or scroll down to the Available Learning Object Sessions section to see an abbreviated listing of all the user's learning objects.
- 3 - To see a full listing of Learning Object Sessions, click the Show More Learning Object Sessions text link at the bottom left of the listing. This will expand the list to show all the sessions.
- Note, depending on user activity, this may require scrolling for several pages
- 4 - Columns with underlined text in the header are sortable by clicking the text heading.
- You can toggle ascending / descending sorts with each additional click.
- 5 - Review desired information and / or view any course or course attachments by clicking on the associated links.
- 6 - If a User is in the Enrolled Status and you have sufficient policy rights, you may cancel a user out of a learning object session by either:
- a - Click the Cancel link next to the red X in the Actions column to the right of the row of the course to be cancelled;
- a-1 - Confirm by clicking Okay in the confirmation pop up box.
- b - Select the checkbox just to the left of the Cancel link next to the red X in the Actions column to the right of the row(s) of the session(s) to be cancelled then Select a reason for the cancellation from the drop down menu at the top right of the Available Learning Objects Session section.
- b-1 - If selecting Other, please type a reason in the textbox just to the right.
- b-2 - Then click the Cancel Enrollments button (No confirmation is required)