Goal Category - Admin Guide
The purpose of this manual is to guide administrator(s) on how to effectively use the Goal Category Feature.
The Goal Category is a subset of the Goal Management Module which is part of the Talent Management Suite (TMS) of modules which extend the functionality of the existing Learnsoft Learning Management System (LMS).
The Goal Category allows the Administrator to set up specific categories of goals which helps in Goal setting, organizing and reporting functions.
For further information, see documentation associated with the Goal Management Module.
How to Create Goal Categories
Specific Goals can be tied to larger groupings called Goal Categories. The Admin can utilize existing Goal Categories (steps 1-2 to view; then skip to next section) or create new Goal Categories (see below).
- 1 - To create new Goal Categories use the Advanced View > User Management > dropdown menu and select Goal Category.
- 2 - This will bring up the Goal Category List.
- 3 - To create a new Goal Category, click on the New Goal Category button in the upper right hand corner of the Goal Category List.
- 4 - This will bring up the Goal Category details screen.
- 5 - In the required and only field Goal Category Name:*, enter a name for the Goal Category.
- 6 - Click Save to save the new Goal Category.
- 7 - The page will refresh and a new section, Available Goal Learning Object will be added. This allows you to associate specific courses with this Goal Category.
Screenshot 04 – Newly saved Goal Category details screen
- 8 - For now, click Cancel to exit and return to the Goal Category List, now containing your newly saved Goal Category
- You may need to sort to see the Goal Category if you have a long list
- 9 - Repeat Steps 3 – 8 as necessary to enter all desired Goal Categories to be used in the Goal process.