Paper Certificate - How to Guide
Paper Certificate - How to Create a Paper CertificateGuide
- Are you a Client Super Admin?
NeedYour must have these rights to create a PaperCert.Certificate - Add to IE "compatibility view"
- Advanced View>Reports>New Report

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- Fill in the same selections as you see in the above image. The report name is unique, so name your certificate, and it will be displayed in a drop down list so you can select it in the course.
- Save>Exit>Find your report in the list of reports
- Click "User Defined Report" Next to the name of your Paper Certificate

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- Click the "Design Report" button>See the image below/See the report designer window popup.
- Click the Dictionary tab>Confirm you see "Data Sources" *If you don’t see it, click the red "X" to close the pop-up, and Click the "Design Report" button to relaunch it.

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- Default view is portrait, To change to landscape view>Click the Page tab>Orientation>Select "landscape" see image below

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- Now Expand "Data Sources" on the right and find/Expand "UserCourses" (it’s last on the list). FROM ONLY here will you will drag your selections to the report designer.
- Drag them around until you are happy with their layout. Next we can add image or text using the small icon buttons on the left side
- Add Image – Click the image button>drag where you want the image>then size it. Double click the image field>Copy and paste the Image URL here. See image below

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- Add Text – Click the text button>drag where you want it>then size it. To edit it>Double click the text field>See the Expressions Editor>Expressions Button>Enter the text as you wish to see in your paper certificate. See image below

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- Save>Exit
- To view the Paper Certificate>Add it to a Classroom test course (with multisession enabled) by picking it in the "Paper Certificate" drop down list in your Learning Object (don’t use an online course for this test).
- Enroll in the course>Complete yourself
- Go to My Transcript to view the Certificate for the course
- If you’re happy with the way it displays, you’re finished.
- Otherwise, go back to Reports>Find it in the list, and go back to step 6. To edit/until you’re satisfied. Authored July 23, 2015 by E. Bloxham