Catalogs allow the administrator to manage the current listing of catalogs or create a new catalog. Catalogs organize courses with like characteristics. Creating multiple catalogs will provide the administrator with greater control and visibility. Additionally, creating new catalogs will reduce the number of courses per catalog thereby assisting users to search for their desired course(s) more efficiently.
Below is a picture of the Catalogs List which provides a listing of all catalogs.

Another advantage to creating multiple catalogs is the ability to limit user access to any one or more catalogs. Not all users will necessarily ‘see’ or have access to all the catalogs. For example, the Customer Service Department employees can see courses from the “Customer Service” catalog, but employees in other departments, may not necessarily be able to see this same catalog; instead they can see other catalogs pertaining to their specific function(s).
The Catalogs feature is accessible by selecting the Advanced View, hovering over the Learning Object dropdown menu and selecting "Catalogs"

For further information see the associated Catalogs - Quick-Start and How To (Step-by-Step) Guides.