The purpose of this manual is to guide administrator(s) on how to effectively use the Performance Management Module.
The Performance Management Module (PMM) is part of the Talent Management Suite (TMS) of modules which extend the functionality of the existing Learnsoft Learning Management System (LMS) system).
The PMM is a customized version which has taken elements from three TMS modules: Performance Management, 360 Degree Evaluation (90 Degree – Manager Evaluation only) and Goal Management.
The Performance Management Module allows assigned administrators (normally part of the HR function) to create performance review processes, ratings and forms and goal (expectations) processes, ratings and forms that can be assigned and propagated throughout the organization. It also seamlessly integrates with the LMS to enable relevant training to be included in the performance management process. The system also provides a single dashboard to view, edit and complete forms and provides extensive reporting, assignment and notification features. The system is highly configurable, so that forms and assignments can be customized for different functions, levels, divisions, etc.
The PMM also provides for highly customizable manager utilization, including the capability to customize organizational goals to specific needs of their divisions / departments, as well as easily and quickly perform reviews, create and manage goals and view analytics and reports.
This guide will focus on the typical processes involved with the Administrator Function. A separate Manager Guide will focus on the managerial use of the system.
This manual will provide a step-by-step guide to enable Administrators to:
- Create Performance Ratings
- Create, Edit, Assign and Complete 90 Degree (Manager > User) evaluations
- Create, Edit, Assign and Complete Goals (Expectations)
- View Reports and Analytics (TO BE ADDED)
2-1 How to Create Evaluations
Creating Evaluation Ratings
Evaluations use Ratings to measure performance. The Admin can utilize existing Ratings (steps 1-2 to view; then skip to next section) or create new Ratings (see below).
- To create new ratings use the Advanced View > Learning Objects > dropdown menu and select Rating Type.
- This will bring up the Evaluation Rating List.
- To create a new Rating, click on the New Evaluation Rating button in the upper right hand corner of the Evaluation Rating List.
- This will bring up the Evaluation Question Group screen.
- In the field Evaluation Rating Name:*, enter a name for the Rating.
- This name will appear on evaluation forms. (Examples include: Excellent, Satisfactory, Unsatisfactory, True, False, Agree, Disagree, 1 – Poor, 2 – Average, 3 – Good, etc).
- Use the Entity Type:* dropdown box and select User.
- Optionally- Add a value in the Score text box
- This will allow for numeric comparisons and reporting analytics.
- Click Save to save the rating.
- Click Cancel to exit and return to the Evaluation Rating List, now containing your newly saved rating
- (you may need to sort to see the rating if you have a long list)
- Repeat Steps 3 – 9 as necessary to enter all desired ratings to appear on the evaluation.
Creating Evaluation Forms
Once your ratings are created; you can create the evaluation. To do so:
- Use the Advanced View > Learning Objects > dropdown menu and select Evaluation.
- This will bring up the Evaluation Rating List
- To create a new Evaluation, click on the New Evaluation button in the upper right hand corner of the Evaluation List.
- This will bring up the Evaluation details screen (default view).
- Use the Entity Type:* dropdown box and select User.
- This will change the look of the Evaluation details screen by hiding those elements that are not relevant to a User evaluation.
- In the field Evaluation Name:*, enter a name for the Evaluation.
- For example – 2016 Manager Evaluation, 2018 Hourly Worker Evaluation
- All the other entries are optional, but it is recommended to make the following additional entries.
- Enter text in the Header text box and click the show header checkbox to display this text when using the evaluation.
- Click the Manager Evaluation checkbox and enter a Weight of 100
- This is more relevant when using a 360 degree evaluation.
- Select the ratings created in the prior section by using the User Ratings box.
- Use the scroll bars to navigate and click on the checkboxes next to the ratings relevant to this evaluation
- Click the Save button to save the evaluation. The screen will refresh and the saved Evaluation details page will appear, but with a new section: Questions.
- There will also be four buttons in the upper right hand corner: Preview, Edit, Audit Trail and Exit
- To add a question, click on the New Question button at the top right of the Available Evaluation Question section.
- This will launch the Evaluation Question / Question Details screen in a separate popup window.
- Enter a text question (or statement) in the required Question* text box.
- Examples include: Job Performance, How would you rate their job performance on a scale of 1-5, etc)
- In the required Entity Type:* dropdown box, select User.
- All the other entries are optional, but it is recommended to make the following additional entries:
- Click the Add button in the rating section to launch the Evaluation Rating Lookup / Evaluation Rating list dialog box.
:# Use the search, sort or letter lookup functions to find the desired ratings and click on the checkbox of the corresponding row of the ratings then click on the Add Rating Type button.
- :# Multiple Ratings can be added one at a time or all at once. If a specific order is required, add singularly and repeat as required.
- If you want to associate ratings with a specific Question Group, use the Question Group dropdown box to select from prepopulated groups (See Goals Section).
- Enter a number in display order to indicate where this question should appear in the larger group of questions.
- If you will have 7 evaluation questions and want this one to appear first, enter 1. To appear second, enter 2. And so on…
- If desired, Click the Show Comments checkbox to enable a comments box to appear and be associated with this question (not selected in this example).
- If desired, also Click the Force Comments checkbox to make it mandatory to enter comments in the above enabled comments checkbox (not selected in this example).
- Once all entries have been made, click the Save button.
- The question will be saved, the popup box will disappear and the saved Evaluation details page will refresh with the elements of the recently saved question appearing in the Available Evaluation Questions section
- Repeat steps 10 – 16 until all evaluation questions have been entered.
- When adding a second question (and so on); there will be a Save and New button to allow for continuous adding of questions without needing to return to the Evaluation Details page. It will also carry the ratings section forward.
:# After the last question, click the normal Save button to return to the Evaluation details Screen..
- Click Exit to return to the Evaluation list with the new evaluation listed.
- Repeat steps 3 – 18 as necessary to create all desired evaluations.
2-2 How to Create Goals (Expectations)
Creating Goal Ratings
Just like evaluations, goals use Ratings to measure performance. The Admin can utilize existing Ratings (steps 1-2 to view; then skip to next section) or create new Ratings (see below).
- To create new ratings use the Advanced View > Learning Objects > dropdown menu and select Rating Type.
- This will bring up the Evaluation Rating List
- Goal Ratings are also created using this form.
- To create a new Rating, click on the New Evaluation Rating button in the upper right hand corner of the Evaluation Rating List.
- This will bring up the Evaluation Question Group screen.
- In the field Evaluation Rating Name:*, enter a name for the Rating.
- This name will appear on Goal forms. (Examples include: Excellent, Satisfactory, Unsatisfactory, True, False, Agree, Disagree, 1 – Poor, 2 – Average, 3 – Good, etc).
- Use the Entity Type:* dropdown box and select Organization Goal.
- Optionally- Add a value in the Score text box
- This will allow for numeric comparisons.
- Click Save to save the rating.
- Click Cancel to exit and return to the Rating List, now containing your newly saved rating
- (you may need to sort to see the rating if you have a long list)
- Repeat Steps 3 – 9 as necessary to enter all desired ratings to appear in the Goals section.
Creating Goal Categories
Specific Goals can be tied to larger groupings called Goal Categories. The Admin can utilize existing Goal Categories (steps 1-2 to view; then skip to next section) or create new Goal Categories (see below).
- To create new Goal Categories use the Advanced View > User Management > dropdown menu and select Goal Category.
- This will bring up the Goal Category List.
- To create a new Goal Category, click on the New Goal Category button in the upper right hand corner of the Goal Category List.
- This will bring up the Goal Category details screen.
- In the required and only field Goal Category Name:*, enter a name for the Goal Category.
- Click Save to save the new Goal Category.
- The page will refresh and a new section, Available Goal Learning Object will be added. This allows you to associate specific courses with this Goal Category.
- For now, click Cancel to exit and return to the Goal Category List, now containing your newly saved Goal Category
- (you may need to sort to see the Goal Category if you have a long list)
- Repeat Steps 3 – 9 as necessary to enter all desired Goal Categories to be used in the Goal process.
Creating Goals
Once your Goal Ratings and Categories have been created; you can create specific goals. To do so:
- Use the Advanced View > User Management > dropdown menu and select Goal.
- This will bring up the Goal List
- To create a new Goal, click on the New Goal button in the upper right hand corner.
- This will bring up the Goal details screen (default view).
- Before entering individual goals, you will create a Goal Group. To do so, Enter a name in the Goal Group* Text box.
- Then select the ratings you wish to associate with these goals by clicking the desired checkboxes in the Goal Rating section.
- When complete click the Save button.
- This will cause the page to refresh with your selections added and with a new section visible: Available Goal
- To add individual goals, Click the New Goal button at the top right of the Available Goal section.
- This will launch the Individual Goal details page in a popup window.
- In the text box Goal, enter the text for a Goal (Expectation).
- This could correspond to a specific expectation used in the existing system. For example:
Safety is our number one priority. Promote a culture of safety throughout the organization.
- Adhere to all safety policies including 100% use of safety belt and 100% of PPE when required.
- Proactively address potential safety concerns and report issues to supervisor.
- Be accountable for the safety of fellow employees.
- In the Goal Category Dropdown box, select the category to which this goal applies from the prepopulated list you created earlier.
- In the Display Order field, enter the order in which this goal should appear.
- For example, if creating 5 goals and you want this to appear first, enter 1.
- Click the Save button to save the goal.
- This will close the individual goal popup and return you to the Goal details page, with the new goal added to the section Available Goal.
- Repeat steps 8 – 12 to add all individual goals associated with this new goal.
- For the second goal onward, a new Save And New button will appear in the individual Goal popup screen. You can use this to more quickly enter goals without having to return to the Goal details page.
- When all individual goals have been entered and saved, click the Exit button to return to the Goal List. Your new goal will appear (as will the numeric count of individual goals associated with this goal)
- Repeat steps 3 – 14 for all Goal (Expectation) listings required by your organization.
NOTE: Each Organization will approach the creation of goals differently. For example, one organization may set up a single list of all Master Organization Goals to propagate (cascade) down and allow each level to edit / remove goals as necessary for different departments / positions, while another organization might choose to set up separate goals for each different type etc.
2-3 Assigning Evaluations and Goals (Expectations)
After evaluation and goals are created they can be assigned to specific individuals, specific groups or levels of users (e.g. Managers, Division Managers, St. Louis Office, etc.) or even to the entire organization. This process for assigning goals will also include a timeframe, deadlines and notifications.
In normal system operation, this is accomplished through the Assignments Feature in conjunction with the Assignment Scheduler Service.
The Assignment Feature is available through the Advanced Menu > Learning Objects dropdown menu.
When creating assignments for goals or evaluations, ensure you select the Is Goal checkbox or Is Evaluation checkbox to enable selection of associated goals or evaluations, respectively.
Below is a sample assignment.
For detailed information on how to set-up assignments, please see the separate LMS FEATURE: ASSIGNMENT SCHEDULER – ADMINISTRATOR GUIDE
2-4 Reports
The Learnsoft LMS provides extensive reporting capabilities, including reports customized specifically for system administrators and managers. Similarly, the TMS – Performance Management Module contains both standard reports and reports that will be customized to specific client needs. A brief listing of the reports and a general step-by-step process to access, filter, generate, view, print, export and schedule reports appears below.
Performance Management Reports
The customized TMS – Performance Management Module, when fully implemented will contain the following reports:
- 360 Degree Performance Evaluation Summary (Enabled for 90 Degrees Only)
- 360 Degree Evaluation Summary Facility (Enabled for 90 Degrees Only)
- 360 Degree Performance Evaluation (Enabled for 90 Degrees Only)
- Completion Report – Goals / Evaluations
- Delinquency Report - Goals / Evaluations
- Goal Completion Report
- Performance / Goal Summary
- Talent Management
- User Evaluation