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Custom Fields - Overview

Custom Fields - Overview

The Learnsoft LMS / TMS allows for association of both specified, predefined data parameters (e.g. EmployeeID, Job Position, etc) and additional unlimited User data parameters using the Custom Fields Feature.

Custom fields allow for both definition of custom data associated with Users and the specific data for each applicable user.

This data can be then used both for informational purposes and to help refine and utilize user data sets with the LMS for both course assignment and reporting.

For example, a client may want to segment / filter users by a specific criteria, such as technical expertise levels, beginner, advanced beginner, intermediate, advanced, expert. Using Custom Fields, clients can create a Technical Expertise Custom Field and associate the relevant level noted above as the data for each applicable user. Not only is this data / value pair viewable by Managers, Admins, Compliance etc, but can be used to segment / filter users, for example, setting up separate delegates for Beginners and Experts and providing relevant course content to each.

Note, most clients pass this data through the HR file interface, but Admins may have rights to manually create Custom Fields and Enter these values. This user guide focuses on the process of using the UI to add these fields and values.