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Facilities - Feature Overview

This feature is used to create facilities or company locations in the LMS system. It also allows for the creation of classroom or training room facilities within each location. These classrooms are associated with classroom-based course instances and used as part of course planning and scheduling process.

Facility information, including directions (if entered), are made available to students when enrolling in and reviewing course scheduling information.

Often, facilities are entered as part of the initial implementation or implementation training process, but Administrators may augment or update as required.

To access the Facilities Feature, navigate to the Advanced View, hover over the User Management dropdown menu and select Facilities.

Screenshot 01

This will bring up the Facility List which provides a listing of all Facilities in the LMS system.

For further information see the associated documentation:

  • Facilities - How to Guide (Step-by-Step)
  • Facilities - Quick Study Guide