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Job Code- Feature Overview

The Learnsoft LMS system makes provision for three levels of job types –

  • (i)       Job Class
  • (ii)       Job Code
  • (iii)       Job Position

Users are allocated to one, both or all three types. This enables the system to assign courses or print reports based on any or all of these criteria. For example:

  • List all employees in job class A123, who also have job code 33.
  • Send this assignment to all Users in the California office with Job Position Manager.

Job Code is a mid-level classification. This level contains more listings than Job Class, but usually less than Job Position. The job Code record contains two text fields Job Code and Description. Job Code is the name that is displayed and Job Description gives the detail about the Job Code. Newer versions of the LMS will also offer a “Hidden” option, which if checked will eliminate these job codes from reporting and assignment searches.

Generally, Job Class, Job Code and Job Position are created automatically as part of the daily User Import Service where the latest organizational HR / ERP data is imported into the LMS system. Administrators, however, do have the capability of adding and editing these categories directly.

To access the Job Code Feature, navigate to the Advanced View, hover over the User Management dropdown menu and select Job Code.

This will bring up the Job Code List which provides a listing of all Job Codes in the LMS system.

For further information on how to create, edit and delete job codes, see the following associated documentation:

  • Job Code- How to Guide (step-by-step)
  • Job Code- Quick Study Guide