Welcome to the LMS User Wiki
This Useris Wikithe new, online Learnsoft LMS Admin Help Wiki. It contains all essential information for the Admin to make full use of thistheir Learnsoft Learning Management System (LMS).
This wiki includes a description of the LMS system functions and capabilities, Step-by-StepHow to Guides which provide illustrated, detailed, step-by-step procedures for using these features, Quick Start Guides which provide a fast reference for using these features and Advanced Features / Best Practices Features.Guides which provide insights into more advanced concepts.
To molestiequickly purusfind sedinformation justoon commodo,a feature or function using the wiki's keyword search capability, enter a keyword or phrase in consecteturthe tellussearchbox pretium.at the top of this page.
To access a listing of the How to Guides providing step-by-step details for key features and functions: click here
To egestasaccess auguea metus,listing idof ultriciesQuick anteStart ultricesGuides acoffering fast reference for key features: click here
To ataccess condimentuma tortor.listing of Advanced Features & Best Practice Guides. click here
The below layout corresponds toprovides a partial listing of guides in a layout which mirrors your advancedAdvanced viewView menu.Menu. Simply click on the desired link below the menu item to access the associated feature overview, original, How to or Quick Start guide..