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Digital Documents (Attachments) - How-to Guide

How to Add Digital Documents to Courses

To Add a Digital Document to a (Learning Object) Course…

1.       Navigate to the Learning Object Details page of the Desired Course, Advanced View > Learning Objects > Courses (select a Course from the Course List).

Screenshot 1 – Course Details page

2.       Scroll to the lower portion of the screen to access the Attachment Section of the Learning Object Details page.

Screenshot 2 – Attachments Section (highlighted) of Course Details Page

3.       Click the New Attachment button. This will bring up the Add Attachment pop-up screen.

Screenshot 3 – Add Attachment pop-up screen

4.       Select the attachment Type from the dropdown menu. a.       Course Document, Others, Primary Image or User Document

Screenshot 4 – Document Type Dropdown Menu

5.       Click the Choose File button to launch the Windows menu system by which to choose the digital document to add.

Screenshot 5 – Windows menu allowing you to select Digital Document

6.       Select the desired Digital Document file & click Open to select the file and return to the Add Attachment pop-up screen.

7.       Enter Name and Description in the respective fields.

8.       Click the Upload File button to add the document to the Course Object.

a.       The pop-up screen will close and the object will be added to the Attachment Section.

Screenshot 6 – Attachment Section with Icon representing Digital Document

9.       If wishing to edit, click the pencil icon to the right (Note: Name and Description info can be edited. If replacing documents, first click the red X to delete and then add a new document).

How to Access Digital Documents Attached to Courses

Note: Pop-up blockers must be disabled to access digital documents.

To Access a Digital Document attached to a (Learning Object) Course in which you are enrolled…

1.       Login to the LMS system, navigate to the MyCourses Tab and find the specific course.

Screenshot 7 – My Courses Tab containing courses with Digital Documents (Attachments).

2.       Click on the Attachment link (text or paperclip icon) to the right of the course.

Screenshot 8 – Attachment Link & Icon.

3.       A new window will pop-up. It will contain a dropdown listing allowing for selection if there are multiple attachments.

Screenshot 9 – Pop-up Screen containing dropdown menu of available Digital Documents

4.       The initial Digital Document (attachment) should also auto-load in the front-most screen. a.       If not loading, disable pop-up blocker.

Screenshot 10 – First Digital Document

5.       Use the dropdown menu or navigation buttons to select and load additional documents (if any)