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Advanced Features

Creating Bullets:

  • item1 (add "*" (asterisk) at the beginning of each item)
  • item2
    • item 2b (add "**" (double asterisk) at the beginning of each sub-item)

Creating Numbered Bullets:

  1. item1 (add "#" number sign) at the beginning of each item)
    1. item2
    2. item 2b (add "##" (double number sign) at the beginning of each sub-item)

Bold (triple prime symbol wrapping the desired word)

Italics (double prime symbol wrapping the desired word)

Adding Images

the image title, replace the image path after "File:/" with corresponding path

OR simply click on the image icon located on the top of the editor (2nd to last icon)


Add "|" at the beginning to indicate to start a table and another at the beginning of each cell. To finalize the row, add a "|" at the end of the cell

To separate each row, add a "|-" to start a new one. To finish the table, add "|-"

Example 1Example 2Example 3
Cell 1Cell 2Cell 3