1. Assessment1. WhoTestShould Use This Guide- 2. Learning Object Certifications - Overview
- 2.1 Certificates vs. Certifications
2. 1.12.2 TheHowCertificationtoProcess- 2.3 Create
Createa Certification - 2.4 Add an
Assessment: 3. 2.1 Creating Assessment Questions4. 2.2 Explanation of Fields:5. 2.3 Explanation of Fields6. 2.4 Creating Assessment Answers7. 3.1 How to Create Additional Assessment Instances8. 4.1 How to Associate an AssessmentCertification to a Course- 2.5 Enrolling in courses that are part of a certification
- 2.6 Printing Certificates
- 3. Objectives
- 4. Section 1: Create a Certification
- 5. Section 2: Add a Learning Object (Course) to a Certification
- 6. Section 3: Enrolling in a Certification
- 7. Section 4: Printing a Certificate upon completing a certification
Assessment/TestingLMS Certification Feature
Administrator Manual
Version 3.6.3_4.04.02.20150701_1.0
TableWho Should Use This Guide
This guide is for - Learning Management System (LMS) Client Super administrators and Administrators to enable them to utilize and train others in the use of Contentsthe Certification features and functionality as both creators and users.
ModuleLearning Overview
AssessmentObject TestCertifications - Overview
Course Overview
The purpose of this manual is to guide administrator(s) on how to effectively For example, a government agency may require all or certain groups of employees to document that they have taken and passed a specific course or series of courses within a valid timeframe (again, for example, let\’s say that all Physicians and Nurses working at a hospital must take specific Ebola training every year). The Certification feature would enable the LMS administrators and managers to assign certification to a specific course (or group of courses) and track those users who have successfully completed those courses. It can then make this moduleinformation youavailable willto findmanagers or regulators. If desired (or required), it can even allow the users to print certifications that youthey can use for their own, internal organization or external organizational (e.g. Continuing education credits required by the American Medical Association - AMA) needs.
Certificates vs. Certifications
Certificates are pieces of paper in a predefined format that serves as proof that a user has completed a specific course or group of courses. If enabled, users who haveCertifications are proof that internally or externally designated training has been completed. This can be for a variablesingle numbercourse or a group of questionscourses, thatfor can also be randomizedonline and associatedoffline courses, and for mandatory courses, elective courses or a combination of courses. For example, OSHA may have a predefined "Bio-Hazard Aware" certification which is issued if students enroll in and successfully complete three required, specific online courses. A local hospital, on the other hand, may have an internal "Bio-Hazard Expert" certification which is based on both completing the OSHA "Bio-Hazard Aware" certification and taking and passing a hospital specific classroom-based course.
Note, the Learnsoft LMS system enables certification to question rationales.
Assessments are housed in a Test Library. Once an assessment has been created, test sessions are created. Test sessions arebe associated with amultiple specificcourses test.(see Onceprior paragraph) and to allow a testsingle sessioncourse isto created,be itassociated with multiple certifications (for example, a single "Ebola Training" course can be associated with an"Contagious instructor-ledDisease orCertification" web-basedfor trainingPhysicians course.and "RN Annual certification" for Registered Nurses (and more).
The TestCertification LibraryProcess
There Users / Managers also need to be trained in how to enroll in courses that are part of a certification and deletehow testto assessments.Print TestCertificates.
Create assessmentsa includeCertification
Add an Certification to a Course
After creating a course, when viewing Course Details, there is a section \’Available Learning Object Certifications". If there are Certifications associated with this course, they will be visible and editable in this section. To associate a new Certification with this course, click on theEnrolling in courses that are part of true/false,a multiplecertification
This Printing Certificates
Upon completion of the certification, if a paper certificate has associated the user can use the click on the Print Certificate Icon in theTestObjectives Library Flowchart
Upon completion, you will be able to:Build an Assessment Library Bank- Create
Assessment(s) - a
Create Test Instance(s) Build Question and Answer BanksCreate Additional Assessment InstancesCertification- Associate
anaAssessmentCertification to a Course - Select an Certification from the Course List
Section 1: BuildingCreate a TestCertification
Each Library
specific Certification is created using the Advanced View > Learning Object Drop Down menu (and selecting "Certifications"). Each Certification will require a name, duration and a location in the catalog tree. Optional attributes can store descriptions, credits required, expiration, reminder and associated paper certificate information
To create a certification in the LMS system, follow these steps (Note, if desired Certifications have previously been created, this step can be skipped):
1.1 How to Createcreate ana Assessment:
Certification in the LMS system
- Click on the Learning Objects
Menu - Dropdown
Click on thetest libraryoptionBox - Click
newCertifications Thistest - will
Namebringyour assessment (If this is a SCORM test, checkup theSCORMCertificationTestListboxscreenandwhichassociatedisplaysthisCertificationstestthat have previously been added to theappropriate course within the SCORM Course field (shown above). You have the option of selecting a vendor to associate the test with ClickSave1.2 Explanation of Fields:
The system generates a pop up menu to create an instance for your assessment, this can be done immediately or you can go in at a later time to create an instance(s).ClickExitto leave your test instance
Section 2 – Creating Assessment Questions and Answers
2.1 Creating Assessment Questions
Click onLearning ObjectsClicktest libraryFind yourassessment nameClick theviewlink under the questions column to create your questions bank within your assessmentClick thenew test questionbutton
2.2 Explanation of Fields:
2.3 Explanation of Fields
2.4 Creating Assessment Answers
Within the test question form, clicknew answerAnswer text field, type your question here (This is the answer as it appears to a user while taking the test)This is box to be selected if the above answer text is thecorrect optionSelect from the followinganswer types: Check Box, Radio Button, Text Area, Text BoxAnswer value field, type your feedback and/or rationale here (This is the answer as it appears to a user while taking the test)Display orderis the order in which the answers are displayed on the assessmentSave and Neworsavesystem.
To add a New Certification
Section 3: Additional Assessment Instances
3.1 How to Create Additional Assessment Instances
- Click on the
LearningNewObjectsCertification button near the top right portion of the screen.
This will launch the Certificaiton DetailsMenu screen. The level of detailed entry will vary based on your organizational needs. (See Explanation of fields on the next page for next steps.)
1.2 Explanation of Fields:
Name\* | The name of the certification. |
Description | A description of the certification |
Expires | A checkbox that if enabled means the certification will expire. |
Duration\* | The length of time the certification is valid (in \# of days). |
Requires Credits | A checkbox that if enabled means the certification requires credits. |
Credit Units | The number of credit units required to earn the certification. |
Credit Hours | The number of credit hours required to earn the certification. |
Credit Others | The number of credits that are not units or hours required to earn the certification. |
Catalog Tree\* | A Directory Tree from which the creator can associate the certificate to a specific catalog level in the system. |
Reminder | A dropdown box prepopulated with all system reminders. |
Paper Certificate | A dropdown box prepopulated with all system certificates. These can be printed by the user after successful completion of the certification. |
Active | A checkbox indicating whether the certification is active (default, checked) or inactive (not checked). |
- Enter the required information.
- Enter any desired optional information.
- Click
ontheTest LibrarySavefrombutton located near theLearningtopObjectsrightMenuof the screen.
The LocateCertification yourhas assessmentnow been created and the system will display the completed Certification Details page (You can see the Certification Name in the upper left hand corner) in read / only mode. If editing is desired, click on the "titledEdit namebutton in the group of buttons in the upper right corner.
The Certification will also be available in the Certification List". Repeat the above process as necessary for all Certifications required.
Section 2: Add a Learning Object (Course) to a Certification
To enable a certification to be utilized it must be associated to a Learning Object Course. Each certification can be associated to a single course or to a group of courses.-
ClickHowontoNewaddTestaInstanceLearning Object Course to a Certification
SectionTo 4:add Associatinga Assessment(s)learning object to a Course(s)
certification, navigate to the Learning Object Certification Details page. This can be found after creating the learning object (see Section 1) or if selecting Advanced View > Learning Object Drop Down menu , selecting "Certifications" and double clicking on the specific certification desired from the Certification List.
Towards the bottom of the Certification details page you will find the Available Learning Object section. This is where associated courses will be viewable once added to the certification.
4.1 How to Associate an Assessment to a Course
- Click on the New Learning
ObjectsObjectMenu - button
ClickwillonbringCourses Select the appropriate course type. (Classroom or Online)Searchfor the Course TitleClick onup theCourseCertificationTitleitem details pop-up screen. Here you can set specific certification parameters and add courses to the certification. The level of detailed entry will vary based on your organizational needs. (See Explanation of fields below for next steps.)
2.2 Explanation of Fields:
Required Score | The score the user must obtain to achieve the certification.. |
By Pass Max Score | A checkbox that if enabled means the certification …. |
Type | A dropdown box that allows the creator to choose from a prepopulated set of certification types (Default options are: Normal, Comprehensive and Renewal). |
Optional | A checkbox that if enabled means this course or group of courses are electives as part of the certification\* |
Course | A section that shows which course(s) are associated with this certification. Clicking Add, launches the select course screen, enabling the creator to find and select course(s) to Add to this certification (See below). Both selecting (highlighting) a course that is already in this text box AND clicking the Remove button will remove the course. |
2.3 Adding Courses: Upon clicking the Add button on the Certification Item Details pop-up page, will launch the Learning Object Lookup pop-up page. Here the creator can search and add courses. (For the purpose of this guide, it will be assume that creators already know how to use this functionality to find and select courses.)
- Select the course(s) desired
- Click the Add Learning Object button. The Learning Object Lookup pop-up page will now close and the Certification Item Details pop-up page will again be viewable. This time, the course will show in the Course text box
- Click
Edit Button ClickAdd ButtonAPop Up Windowwill appearSearchforTest NameSelect Test(s)ClickAdd Test InstanceClick
This will bring you back to the Certifications Detail page where you will notice that the new course now appears in the Available Learning Objects Section (You can delete by clicking on the red x and confirming) Below is an example where multiple courses have been entered using two different uploads with different attributes (Required score)
Section 3: Enrolling in a Certification
Once the certification creation process is complete, if made available, users can enroll in certifications. This guide will assume that users are aware of how to manually enroll in courses and managers are aware of how to assign courses. When enrolling in a certification there is unique certification object icon. Upon clicking it, the user will be given a list of all the courses associated with the certification and has the ability to enroll in any or all the courses.
Section 4: Printing a Certificate upon completing a certification
After creating a course, when viewing Course details, there is a section named Available Learning Object Certifications. If there are Certifications associated with this course, they will be visible and editable in this section. To associate a new Certification with this course, click on the New Learning Object Certification button. This will launch the ''''New Learning Object Certification Details'''' screen, which will allow you to associate an already created Certification and enter, edit and save specific detailed options and requirements associated with this specific course / certification combination (e.g. credit hours).