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ContentAdvanced Features
Creating Bullets:
- item1 (add "*" (asterisk) at the beginning of each item)
- item2
- item 2b (add "**" (double asterisk) at the beginning of each sub-item)
Creating Numbered Bullets:
- item1 (add "#" number sign) at the beginning of each item)
- item2
- item 2b (add "##" (double number sign) at the beginning of each sub-item)
Bold (triple prime symbol wrapping the desired word)
Italics (double prime symbol wrapping the desired word)
Adding Images
OR simply click on the image icon located on the top of the editor (2nd to last icon)
Add "|" at the beginning to indicate to start a table and another at the beginning of each cell. To finalize the row, add a "|" at the end of the cellTo separate each row, add a "|-" to start a new one
one. To finish the table, add "|-"
Example 1 | Example 2 | Example 3 |
Cell 1 | Cell 2 | Cell 3 |