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Report Tab Overview

Reports Tab Overview

The Learnsoft LMS provides extensive reporting capabilities, including the capability to customize reports.

There are two broad categories of reports, One-Click Reports and Selectable Reports.

  • One-Click Reports - Reports within the Performance Management Tab are generally one-click meaning that when the report link (or button) is selected, they will generate a report in a separate window. The generally do not require user selection of report scope criteria, though there may be dropdown boxes to select from predefined reporting timeframes prior to clicking the report link.

  • Selectable Reports – Reports within the Report Tab are generally selectable reports. They require one or more parameters to be entered before the report can be generated. For example, a specific user, a group of users (e.g. “managers”) and / or a specific division within the organization. Also, they often offer far greater selection filtering by user defined date parameters.

A brief listing of the STANDARD reports in the LMS and a general step-by-step process to access, filter, generate, view, print, export and schedule reports appears below.

{[ ! style="text-align:center"
Report NameCSAAdminInstructorReport AdminManager
Active/ Inactive Course Listing ReportXX X 
Attendance Tracking Roster ReportXX X 
Completion Report [Excel Exportable]XX XX
Completion Report [Excel Exportable] With SubcatalogXX XX
Completion Report [Excel Exportable] With Totals – Classroom CoursesXXXXX
Completion Report [Excel Exportable] With Totals – Online CoursesXXXXX
Completion Report [With Not Enrolled Status]XXXXX
Course - Catalog Listing [Excel Exportable]XX XX
Course & Instructor EvaluationXXXX 
Course & Instructor Evaluation AggregateXXXX 
Course & Instructor Evaluation Comments - By RespondentsXXXX 
Course & Instructor Evaluation Comments - By QuestionsXXXX 
Course & Instructor Generic Evaluation Report [Consolidated][Questions]XXXXX
Course Enrollment Status ReportXX   
Course Not Attended ReportXX   
Delinquency ReportXX X 
Employee Completion ReportXX X 
Enrollment Report With TotalsXX X 
Finance ReportXX X 
Group Employee TranscriptXX  X
Incomplete Report [Excel Exportable] X XX
Instructor Schedule ReportXXXX 
Intercompany Journal Transfer FormX    
No Show Listing ReportXX   
Organizational - Course SummaryX    
Past Due Courses ReportX  X 
Student Listing ReportXX X 
Student Schedule ReportXX XX
Student Schedule Report [Excel Exportable]XX XX
Test Question Analysis By CourseXX XX
Test Question Analysis By IndividualXX XX

ACTIVE/ INACTIVE COURSE LISTING REPORT Report ID: 89 Audience: Administrator, Client Super Administrator, Report Administrator, Super Administrator Description: Lists all ACTIVE/INACTIVE instances of a particular course. Selectors: Any Date, Date Range, Course and Availability. Display Fields: Active/Inactive, Course Name, Start Date, End Date, Instructor, Location, Scheduled.

ATTENDANCE TRACKING ROSTER REPORT Report ID: 56 Audience: Administrator, Client SuperAdministrator, Report Administrator, Super Administrator Description: This report displays the details of who/when attended a particular classroom session. It displays the time they signed into the session and signed out of the session. Essentially, this report displays the attendance details of students within a particular classroom course. This report only works for classroom sessions that have the SignIn/ SignOut activated for class session. Selectors: Date Range, Course. Display Fields: Course ID, Class Date, Instructor, Class Schedule ID, Class Time, Location, Room, Student Name, Employee ID, Department, Enrollment Status, Sign In, Total number of attendees in this class instance.

COMPLETION REPORT [EXCEL EXPORTABLE] Report ID: 182 Audience: Administrator, Client SuperAdministrator, Epic Administrator, Epic Principal Trainer, Instructor, Manager, Report Administrator Description: Completion status report gives us a database snapshot of all the ‘enrollment status’ for the selected users along with user’s demographic data. This report is a true excel exportable report (i.e. once exported the data can be sorted based on the available columns). Selectors: First Name, Last Name, Employee ID, Employment Type, State, Date Range, Course, Job Class, Job Code, Job Position, Availability. Display Fields: Last Name, First Name, Employee ID, Department Name, Department Number, Course Name, Course Status, Score, Date Completed, Email, Job Position and Supervisor.

COMPLETION REPORT [EXCEL EXPORTABLE] WITH SUBCATALOG Report ID: 86 Audience: Administrator, Client SuperAdministrator, Epic Administrator, Epic Principal Trainer, Instructor, Manager, Report Administrator Description: Completion status report gives us a database snapshot of all the ‘enrollment status’ for the selected users along with user’s demographic data with all the SUB-CATALOG information. This report is a true excel exportable report (i.e. once exported the data can be sorted based on the available columns). Selectors: First Name, Last Name, Employee ID, Employment Type, State, Date Range, Course, Job Class, Job Code, Job Position, Availability. Display Fields: Last Name, First Name, Employee ID, Department Name, Department Number, Course Name, Course Status, Sub-Catalog Field, Score, Date Completed, Email, Job Position and Supervisor.

COMPLETION REPORT [EXCEL EXPORTABLE] WITH TOTALS – CLASSROOM COURSES Report ID: 152 Audience: Administrator, Client SuperAdministrator, Epic Administrator, Epic Principal Trainer, Instructor, Manager, Report Administrator Description: Completion status report gives us a database snapshot of all the ‘enrollment status’ for the selected users along with user’s demographic data with COURSE TOTALS information. This report is a true excel exportable report (i.e. once exported the data can be sorted based on the available columns). Selectors: First Name, Last Name, Employee ID, Employment Type, State, Date Range, Course, Job Class, Job Code, Job Position, Availability. Display Fields: Last Name, First Name, Employee ID, Department Name, Department Number, Course Name, Course Status, Score, Date Completed, Email, Job Position and Supervisor.

COMPLETION REPORT [EXCEL EXPORTABLE] WITH TOTALS – ONLINE COURSES Report ID: 163 Audience: Administrator, Client SuperAdministrator, Epic Administrator, Epic Principal Trainer, Instructor, Manager, Report Administrator Description: Completion status report gives us a database snapshot of all the ‘enrollment status’ for the selected users along with user’s demographic data with COURSE TOTALS information. This report is a true excel exportable report (i.e. once exported the data can be sorted based on the available columns). Selectors: First Name, Last Name, Employee ID, Employment Type, State, Date Range, Course, Job Class, Job Code, Job Position, Availability. Display Fields: Last Name, First Name, Employee ID, Department Name, Department Number, Course Name, Course Status, Score, Date Completed, Email, Job Position and Supervisor.

COMPLETION REPORT [WITH NOT ENROLLED STATUS] Report ID: 177 Audience: Administrator, Client SuperAdministrator, Report Administrator Description: Completion status report gives us a database snapshot of all the ‘NOT-enrolled status’ for the selected users along with user’s demographic data. Selectors: First Name, Last Name, Employee ID, Employment Type, State, Date Range, Course, Certification, Job Class, Job Code, Job Position, Availability. Display Fields: Last Name, First Name, Employee ID, Department Name, Department Number, Course Name, Course Status, Score, Date Completed, Email, Job Position and Supervisor.

COMPLETION REPORT SSFHS Report ID: 165 Audience: Administrator, Client SuperAdministrator, Manager, Super Administrator Description: Completion status report Selectors: First Name, Last Name, Employee ID, Employment Type, State, Date Range, Course, Job Class, Job Code, Job Position, Availability, Delegate. Display Fields: Last Name, First Name, Employee ID, Department Name, Department Number, Course Name, Course Status, Score, Date Completed, Email, Job Position and Supervisor.

COURSE - CATALOG LISTING [EXCEL EXPORTABLE] Report ID: 89 Audience: Administrator, Client SuperAdministrator, Report Administrator, Super Administrator Description: Lists all Catalogs containing a specified course. Selectors: Date Range, Course, Catalog. Display Fields: Catalog, Vendors, Course Type, Course Name, Cost, CEU, Duration, Course Price, Total Enrollments, Total enrollments (Accessed), Total Completions.

COURSE & INSTRUCTOR EVALUATION Report ID: 157 Audience: Administrator, Client SuperAdministrator, Instructor, Report Administrator Description: Single Instance of a course Evaluation for Course and Instructor. Selectors: Date Range, Course, Catalog. Display Fields: Creation Date, Total Respondents.

COURSE & INSTRUCTOR EVALUATION AGGREGATE Report ID: 158 Audience: Administrator, Client SuperAdministrator, Instructor, Report Administrator. Description: Aggregated Evaluations for a Course and Instructor. Selectors: First Name, Last Name, Employee ID, Employment Type, State, Date Range, Course. Display Fields: Creation Date, Total Respondents.

COURSE & INSTRUCTOR EVALUATION COMMENTS - BY RESPONDENTS Report ID: 159 Audience: Administrator, Client SuperAdministrator, Instructor, Report Administrator Description: Aggregated Evaluations for a Course and Instructor – sorted by RESPONDENT. Selectors: Date Range, Course. Display Fields:

COURSE & INSTRUCTOR EVALUATION COMMENTS - BY QUESTIONS Report ID: 160 Audience: Administrator, Client SuperAdministrator, Instructor, Report Administrator Description: Aggregated Evaluations for a Course and Instructor – sorted by QUESTIONS. Selectors: Date Range, Course. Display Fields:

COURSE & INSTRUCTOR EVALUATION EXPORT Report ID: 161 Audience: Administrator, Client SuperAdministrator, Instructor, Report Administrator Description: EXPORTABLE Aggregated Evaluations for a Course and Instructor. Selectors: Date Range, Course. Display Fields:

COURSE & INSTRUCTOR GENERIC EVALUATION REPORT [CONSOLIDATED][QUESTIONS] Report ID: 122 Audience: Administrator, Client SuperAdministrator, Report Administrator, Super Administrator Description: EXPORTABLE Aggregated Evaluations for a Course and Instructor. Selectors: Course, Job Class, Job Code, Job Position, Availability. Display Fields: Criteria, Course Date, Evaluation Question, Question Rating, Question Comments, Sample.

COURSE ENROLLMENT STATUS REPORT Report ID: 162 Audience: Administrator, Client SuperAdministrator Description: Displays overall enrollment for a specified course. Selectors: First Name, Last Name, Employee ID, Employment Type, State, Course, Job Class, Job Code, Job Position, Availability. Display Fields: Course Name, Enrolled, Not Enrolled, Pie Chart with Enrollment Status.

COURSE NOT ATTENDED REPORT Report ID: 33 Audience: Administrator, Client SuperAdministrator Description: Selectors: First Name, Last Name, Employee ID, Employment Type, State, Course, Availability. Display Fields: Applicant, Emp. Type, Name, UserID, Job Position, Department, Course Name, Status.

COURSE NOT GRADED REPORT Report ID: 25 Audience: Administrator, Client SuperAdministrator, Report Administrator Description: Returns a List of Courses not yet evaluated. Selectors: Date Range, Course. Display Fields: Instructor, Course Name, Location, Start Date, # Students.

DELINQUENCY REPORT Report ID: 31 Audience: Administrator, Client SuperAdministrator, Report Administrator Description: Displays students who are enrolled but have not completed a course by department. Selectors: First Name, Last Name, Employee ID, Employment Type, State, Date Range, Course, Job Class, Job Code, Job Position, Availability. Display Fields: Grouped by Department-Date Range, Department, Course Name, Employee Name, Employee ID, Position, Job Position Description, Position Ind., Status, User Type, Date Hired, People who have not taken course, Total enrolled in course, Percent of Compliance, Delinquency Percentage.

EMPLOYEE COMPLETION REPORT Report ID: 19 Audience: Administrator, Client SuperAdministrator, Report Administrator, Super Administrator Description: This report provides us with a graphical representation and a detailed view of what courses are past due, completed and not yet due for an individual user. Selectors: First Name, Last Name, Employee ID, Employment Type, State, Date Range, Course, Job Class, Job Code, Job Position, Availability. Display Fields: Employee full name, Hire Date, Facility, Department, Completed Course, Date Completed, Graphical chart for Count of Employee Completion Report Date Completed , Graphical chart for Count of Employee Completion Report Delinquent Due Date, Graphical chart for Count of Employee Completion Report Not Yet Due Due Date.

ENROLLMENT REPORT Report ID: 148 Audience: Administrator, Client SuperAdministrator, Report Administrator Description: This report provides with a detailed view of which employees are enrolled in the chosen courses. Selectors: First Name, Last Name, Employee ID, Employment Type, State, Date Range, Course, Certification, Job Class, Job Code, Job Position, Availability, Catalog. Display Fields: Facility, Department, Manager, Employee ID, Job positions, First Name, Last Name and Certification Name.

ENROLLMENT REPORT WITH TOTALS Report ID: 151 Audience: Administrator, Client SuperAdministrator, Report Administrator Description: This report provides with a detailed view of which employees are enrolled in the chosen courses. Selectors: First Name, Last Name, Employee ID, Employment Type, State, Date Range, Course, Certification, Job Class, Job Code, Job Position, Availability, Catalog. Display Fields: Facility, Department, Manager, Employee ID, Job positions, First Name, Last Name, Certification Name, and Total # of Enrollments.

FINANCE REPORT Report ID: 125 Audience: Administrator, Client SuperAdministrator, Report Administrator, Super Administrator Description: Displays a historical listing of all transactions/refunds done for a specific course. Selectors: First Name, Last Name, Employee ID, Employment Type, State, Date Range, Course, Availability, Catalog. Display Fields: VendorID, Vendor Name, Account #, Course Name, EmployeeID, Employee Name, Department Name, Cost Center, Type (Cash,…), TransactionID, Payment Date, Facility, Employment Type, Refunds, ID (Transaction or Refund), Transfer From Business Unit, Transfer From Account to be Charged, Transfer from Department #, Transfer from Product/Project.

FINANCE REPORT [LAST MONTH] Report ID: 167 Audience: Client SuperAdministrator Description: Displays a last month’s listing of all transactions/refunds done for a specific course. Selectors: First Name, Last Name, Employee ID, Employment Type, State, Date Range, Course, Availability, Catalog. Display Fields: VendorID, Vendor Name, Account #, Course Name, EmployeeID, Employee Name, Department Name, Cost Center, Type (Cash,…), TransactionID, Payment Date, Facility, Employment Type, Refunds, ID (Transaction or Refund), Transfer From Business Unit, Transfer From Account to be Charged, Transfer from Department #, Transfer from Product/Project.

GROUP EMPLOYEE TRANSCRIPT Report ID: 9 Audience: Administrator, Client SuperAdministrator, Manager, Super Administrator Description: This report generates the transcript of the requested users. The transcript only displays the records for the courses that have been successfully completed by those users. Selectors: First Name, Last Name, Employee ID, Employment Type, State, Date Range, Job Class, Job Code, Job Position, Availability. Display Fields: Region, Facility, Department, Employee Full Name, Employee ID, Hire Date, Course Name, Date/ Time Completed, Score, Credit Hours, Credit Units.

INCOMPLETE REPORT [EXCEL EXPORTABLE] Report ID: 123 Audience: Client SuperAdministrator, Manager, Report Administrator Description: This report generates the transcript of the INCOMPLETE users for a specific course. The transcript only displays the records for the courses that have not been successfully completed by those users. Selectors: First Name, Last Name, Employee ID, Employment Type, State, Date Range, Course, Job Class, Job Code, Job Position, Availability, Catalog. Display Fields: Last Name, First Name, Employee ID, Facility Name, Facility Code, Department, Department #, Course Name, Status, Score, Date Completed, email, Job Position, Supervisor.

INSTRUCTOR SCHEDULE Report ID: 93 Audience: Administrator, Client SuperAdministrator, Instructor, Report Administrator, Super Administrator Description: The instructor schedule report displays the course schedule of an instructor for the classes he/she is teaching (classes that he/she will be teaching as an instructor) and attending (classes that he/she will be attending as a standard user) (along with the classroom details – day, date, time and location). Selectors: First Name, Last Name, Employee ID, Employment Type, State, Date Range. Display Fields: Instructor Full Name, Status, Course Name, Day, Date, Start, End and Location.

INTERCOMPANY JOURNAL TRANSFER FORM Report ID: 168 Audience: Client SuperAdministrator Description: Selectors: First Name, Last Name, Employee ID, Employment Type, State, Date Range, Course, Availability. Display Fields: Class Date, Amount, Business Unit (Transfer to/from), Account (Transfer to/from), Project (Transfer to/from), Comments (Transfer to/from), Signature, Date, Name, Title.

LEARNERS HOURS REPORT Report ID: 124 Audience: Administrator, Client SuperAdministrator, Manager, Report Administrator, Super Administrator Description: Selectors: First Name, Last Name, Employee ID, Employment Type, State, Date Range, Course, Job Class, Job Code, Job Position, Availability, Catalog. Display Fields: SubCatalog, Course Name, Start Date, End Date, Student #, Facility, Course Hours, Learner Hours, Instructors.

MONTHLY / QUARTERLY ATTENDANCE REPORT BY FACILITY Report ID: 127 Audience: Client SuperAdministrator, Report Administrator Description: Provides an attendance report by facility. Selectors: Date Range, Availability, Catalog. Display Fields: First Name, Last Name, Affiliation, Department, Job Title, Phone, Supervisor, Credit, Attendee type, Attendee Status, Refund Date, Refund Memo, Start Date, Course Name, # of Completed, # No Shows, # of Cancelled.

NO SHOW LISTING REPORT Report ID: 11 Audience: Administrator, SuperAdministrator Description: This report gives us the names of all the people who no showed for a classroom session, employees who enrolled themselves in that class but did not show up. Selectors: First Name, Last Name, Employee ID, Employment Type, State, Date Range, Course and Availability. Display Fields: Region, Facility, Department, Course Name, Class Date, Employee Full Name.

ORGANIZATIONAL - COURSE SUMMARY Report ID: 169 Audience: Client SuperAdministrator Description: This report gives the structure and overall details for a specified course. Selectors: Course and Availability. Display Fields: Organization, Facility, Department, Course Type, Course Name, # Completed, # Enrollments, # Accessed.

PAST DUE COURSES REPORT Report ID: 24 Audience: Client SuperAdministrator, Report Administrator Description: This report gives a list of employees who have yet to complete and assigned course. Selectors: First Name, Last Name, Employee ID, Employment Type, State, Date Range, Course and Availability. Display Fields: Course Name, Due Date.

RESOURCE ORDER RECONCILIATION REPORT Report ID: 58 Audience: Administrator, Client SuperAdministrator, Report Administrator, Super Administrator Description: This report gives Selectors: Date Range, Course. Display Fields: Date Range, Resource, Course Name, Class Date, Required Units, Allocated units, Balance, Due Date, Due in # of days, Completed on, Outstanding Resource Summary List.

STUDENT LISTING REPORT Report ID: 5 Audience: Administrator, Client SuperAdministrator, Report Administrator Description: Help administrators and managers to see who belongs to which job position and department within the organization. Selectors: First Name, Last Name, Employee ID, Employment Type, State, Job Class, Job Code, Job Position, Availability. Display Fields: Student Name, Date Hired, Job Position Description.

STUDENT LISTING REPORT (PHYSICIANS) Report ID: 183 Audience: Client SuperAdministrator Description: Help administrators and managers to see who belongs to which job position and department within the organization. Selectors: First Name, Last Name, Employee ID, Employment Type, State, Job Class, Job Code, Job Position, Availability. Display Fields: Student Name, Date Hired, Job Position Description, Job Class, Job Code, Username, Employee ID, Phone, Email.

STUDENT SCHEDULE REPORT Report ID: 12 Audience: Administrator, Client SuperAdministrator, Manager, Report Administrator, Super Administrator Description: This report displays the course schedule of students who falls within the selection criteria provided in the report builder screen. Selectors: First Name, Last Name, Employee ID, Employment Type, State, Date Range, Course, Job Class, Job Code, Job Position, Availability. Display Fields: Grouped by-Region, Facility, Department, Employee Name, User ID, Course Name, Day of Week, Class Date, Start Time, End Time, Location.

STUDENT SCHEDULE REPORT [EXCEL EXPORTABLE] Report ID: 149 Audience: Administrator, Client SuperAdministrator, Manager, Report Administrator, Super Administrator Description: This report displays the course schedule of students who falls within the selection criteria provided in the report builder screen in an Excel Exportable format. Selectors: First Name, Last Name, Employee ID, Employment Type, State, Date Range, Course, Job Class, Job Code, Job Position, Availability. Display Fields: Grouped by-Region, Facility, Department, Employee Name, User ID, Course Name, Day of Week, Class Date, Start Time, End Time.

TEST QUESTION ANALYSIS BY COURSE Report ID: 91 Audience: Administrator, Client SuperAdministrator, Report Administrator, Super Administrator Description: Returns a grid of correct/incorrect answers, grouped by Course. Selectors: Course, Job Class, Job Code, Job Position, Availability Display Fields: Grouped by Course, Course Name, Test Questions, # Correct, # Incorrect, Correct Answer, Total # Answered, Total Percent Correct.

TEST QUESTION ANALYSIS BY INDIVIDUAL Report ID: 92 Audience: Administrator, Client SuperAdministrator, Report Administrator, Super Administrator Description: Returns a grid of correct/incorrect answers, grouped by Individual and Course. Selectors: First Name, Last Name, Employee ID, Employee type, State, Course, Job Class, Job Code, Job Position, Availability Display Fields: Learner Name, Course Name, Test Questions, Correct, Incorrect, Correct Answer, Given Answer on test, Total # Answered, Total Percent Correct.