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In the Learnsoft LMS, Reminders are a feature that allows a single or series of emails to be sent to students, managers and others to notify or “remind” them about something related to a system event.

How to add a Reminder to the LMS system

  1. Click on the Learning Object dropdown box.
  2. Click Reminders. This will bring up the Reminder List screen which displays Reminders that have previously been added to the system.
  3. To add a New Reminder Click on the New Reminder button near the top right portion of the screen.
  4. Enter a Name for and Description of the Reminder.
  5. Click the Save button located near the top right of the screen.
  6. The Reminder has now been created and will be available in the Reminder List. Repeat this step as necessary for all Reminders.

Create and schedule one or more Reminder emails

  1. Check the New Emails button, found on the right side of the Available Email Section.
  2. This will launch the Learning Object Email / Email Reminder Details page in a pop-up window.
  3. Enter the required information / Enter any desired optional attribute information.
  4. Click the Save button located near the top right of the screen to save the attributes of this particular email.
  5. Repeat Steps 2.1 and 2.2 for each email associated with this reminder. For example, you may wish to have a reminder message sent 7 days before attending a course, a second reminder sent two days before the course date, then a reminder to enroll in another course sent after they pass course

Entering Dates Correctly

Note: The system uses a very complex algorithm for deciding when to send email messages. It may not be intuitive so, to ensure you are accurately sending emails on the correct day, utilize this guide.

  1. Imagine the date of the event as Day 0
  2. If the Before Due Date checkbox is enabled, (Checked), then 1 day before the due date would correspond to a start date of 1; 7 days before the due date would correspond to a start date of 7.
  3. If the Before Due Date checkbox is NOT enabled, (NOT Checked), then 1 day after the due date would correspond to a start date of 1; 7 days after the due date would correspond to a start date of 7.

For example, if Nov 10 is the event date, If you wish to send one email a specific number of days before an event:

:* Check the Before Due Date checkbox :* Enter the specific # of days in the Start Date Field (e.g. 1 week = 7) :* Enter the same number in the End date Field (e.g. 7) :* Enter 1 in the # of Emails Field

  • If you wish to send more than one email a specific number of days before an event:
  1. Repeat the above process for the separate emails.
    1. Example, create one email to be set up for 7 days (Before due date (checked) Start days 7, End Days 7, # of emails 1) and create a second email for 2 days (Before due date (checked) Start days 2, End Days 2, # of emails 1)

  • If you wish to send more than one email, but don’t need specific dates, before an event:
  1. Click on the Before Due Date checkbox
  2. Enter the # of emails
  3. Enter start and end days
  4. The system will use the following formula: XXXXXXXX

Add a Reminder to a Course

  1. Click on the Reminder drop down box.
  2. Select the Reminder from the list of reminders.
  3. Ensure that you click the Save button when finished adding the reminder desired.

How to Add Edit a Reminder

To edit existing Learning Object Reminders:

  1. Follow the steps in Section 1 to access the Reminder List, select the specific Reminder to modify and access its View > Reminder Details page.
  2. Click on the edit button in the upper right hand corner.
  3. Edit and then click the save button.

How to Edit Reminder Emails

To edit Reminder emails follow the steps above to select the specific reminder:

  1. In the section Available Email, click on the edit (pencil) icon corresponding to the row of the specific email you wish to edit.
  2. This will bring up the Reminder Email Details page: Edit as desired.
  3. Click Save to Save the changes.
    1. Click Cancel, to cancel any changes.

How to Delete a Reminder

  1. Follow the steps in Section 1 to access the Reminder List.
  2. Click on the delete (X) button to the right of the row of the reminder you wish to delete.
  3. A pop-up box will ask you to confirm this deletion.
  4. Click on the OK button
  5. To cancel, click Cancel.

How to Delete Reminder Emails

To delete Reminder emails follow the steps above to select the specific reminder:

  1. In the section Available Email, click on the delete (X) icon corresponding to the left of the row of the specific email you wish to edit.
  2. A pop-up box will ask you to confirm this deletion. To confirm deletion:
  3. Click on the OK button
  4. To cancel, click Cancel.