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Global System Notification - Admin Guide


  • New Format for EXTERNAL LINK - Use Relative Path if security problems-

Global System Notification Function - Overview

The Global System Notification Function is a specialized subset of the Notification Message Feature that provides a means by which LMS Administrators can create global messages that will be made available to all LMS users upon login to the system.

There are two Global System Notification Function Message Types:

  • OPTION 1 / TOP OF THE PAGE- System message that will appear near the top of the page above the Section Tabs for all users. Additionally, this message can link to external web pages, documents or even videos;

  • OPTION 2 / AUTO-LAUNCH VIEWER- Auto-Launch a Viewer with a System Message and content (e.g. html page, video) for all users that will immediately grab the user’s focus when logging into the system. This window will need to be closed before the user can access the features of the LMS system.

Screenshot 01 - Global System Notification Message - Message Type OPTION 1 / Top of the Page

Screenshot 02 -Global System Notification - Message Type OPTION 2 / Auto-Launch Viewer

A step-by-step process to operate this feature appears below.

Global System Notification Function – How to Guide

How to access the Global System Notification Function

The Global System Message Notification is a specialized version of the Notification Message Feature and is only available to CSA’s (and designated Admins with Policy Rights to this feature). This section is easily accessed from the advanced view dropdown menu. To access the Notification Message Feature: 1. Use the Advanced View > Learning Objects drop down menu to select the item Notification Message.

Screenshot 03 – Advanced View > Reports > Reports dropdown menu

2. This will bring up the Notification Message List, a listing of all standard and customized messages.

Screenshot 04 – Notification Message List

3. The Global System Notification Message is ALWAYS a specific message with the ID = 15

Screenshot 05 – Global System Notification Message

a. The Name may or may not be “Global System Notification Message” as both name and description are configurable by the client.

4. To access the Global System Notification Message details where you can add, edit or delete messages, simply double click the name column of the row with ID = 15. This will bring up the Notification Details page.

a. If Active - The Email Subject and / or Email Body sections will have text populated.

b. If Inactive - Both the Email Subject and Email Body sections will be blank

Screenshot 06 – Global System Notification Message Details Page with Messages Active

Screenshot 07 – Global System Notification Message Details Page with Messages Inactive

How to Create a Global System Notification Message - OPTION 1 / TOP OF THE PAGE:

1. Navigate to the Advanced View > Learning Objects> Notification Message Feature and lick on the row containing the Global System Notification Message (ID = 15) to bring up the Global System Notification Message Details Page (as detailed in a prior section)

Screenshot 08 – Global System Notification Message Details Page

2. Click the Edit button in the upper right hand Corner to enter edit mode.

Screenshot 09 – Global System Notification Message Details Page in Edit Mode

3. Navigate to the Email Body Section.

Screenshot 10 – Email Body Section with a current message

4. (Optional) if there is a current message and it will not be used, delete the message (e.g. select all the entered text / links in the Email Body textbox and click delete)

Screenshot 11 – Email Body Section with message deleted

5. Enter the message you wish the user to see at the Top of the Page.

Screenshot 12 – Email Body Section with Sample Message (but no external link)

6. (Optional) If entering a link to an external page, use the HTML tab at the bottom of the Email Body section to enter the HTML Link and associated clickable reference text information. a. For example:" target="_blank">Click here for more information

Screenshot 13 – Email Body Section. HTML View. Adding Link to External File.

7. Click the Save button to save changes. The page will update and exit edit mode.

Screenshot 14 – Global System Notification Message with updated Email Body Section. Normal View.

8. Return to simple view to preview.

Screenshot 15 – Updated Top of the Screen Global System Notification Message.

How to Create a Global System Notification Message - OPTION 2 / AUTO-LAUNCH VIEWER:

1. Navigate to the Advanced View > Learning Objects> Notification Message Feature and lick on the row containing the Global System Notification Message (ID = 15) to bring up the Global System Notification Message Details Page (as detailed in a prior section)

Screenshot 16 – Global System Notification Message Details Page

2. Click the Edit button in the upper right hand Corner to enter edit mode.

Screenshot 17 – Global System Notification Message Details Page in Edit Mode

3. Navigate to the Email Subject Section.

Screenshot 18 – Email Subject Section with a current link

4. (Optional) if there is a current link and it will not be used, delete the link, but keep the “EXTERNALPAGE|” Prefix. This is required.

Screenshot 19 – Email Subject Section with prior link deleted but EXTERNALPAGE| text not deleted

5. Enter the https:// URL Link you wish to be loaded in the viewer.

NOTE: New Format for EXTERNAL LINK - Last Parameter is number of times popup to play -


a. REQUIRED - You must preface a link with “EXTERNALPAGE|” Prefix

Screenshot 20 – Email Subject Section with EXTERNALPAGE| Prefix and https:// URL Link

NOTE: Make EXTERNAL LINK a RELATIVE Path if security issues pointing to fixed server- +++

(Note 5/30/2019 from Design) Team, I noticed that on some users/clients the popup window video doesn’t work sometimes. This may be because the video points to another server and it may bring conflicts for security reasons.

If you are on production and point to a video that sits on sandbox, it wont show because of it sits on a different server.

Example, you are in production and indicate that the popup video is in, this will give an error and show an eternally spinning loading screen.

What you should use in Email Subject instead is to give a ‘relative path’, meaning that you should use “../Login/testfile.htm” so it grabs the popup video from the same server.

Leave the Email Body as is, there is no issue with using different servers there since any link opens a new window.

6. Click the Save button to save changes. The page will update and exit edit mode.
Screenshot 21 – Global System Notification Message with updated Email Subject Section. Normal View.

7. Logout of the System. Login to preview. a. Note if link doesn’t work, recheck both the URL and ensure you have included the “EXTERNALPAGE|” Prefix

Screenshot 22 -Global System Notification - Message Type OPTION 2 / Auto-Launch Viewer

How to Turn Off (Inactivate) System Notification Messages ===

1. Navigate to the Advanced View > Learning Objects> Notification Message Feature and lick on the row containing the Global System Notification Message (ID = 15) to bring up the Global System Notification Message Details Page (as detailed in a prior section)

Screenshot 23 – Global System Notification Message Details Page

2. Click the Edit button in the upper right hand Corner to enter edit mode.

Screenshot 24 – Global System Notification Message Details Page in Edit Mode

3. If wishing to turn off (inactivate) OPTION 1 / TOP OF THE PAGE message, navigate to the Email Body Section.

Screenshot 25 – Email Body Section with a current message

4. Delete the message (e.g. select all the entered text / links in the Email Body textbox and click delete)

Screenshot 26 – Email Body Section with message deleted

5. If wishing to turn off (inactivate) OPTION 2 / Auto-Launch Viewer message Navigate to the Email Subject Section.

Screenshot 27 – Email Subject Section with a current link

6. Delete the ALL the text in the Email Subject.

Screenshot 28 – Email Subject Section with text deleted

7. Click the Save button to save changes.

8. Preview / Log out as required to view updates.