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The purpose of this manual is to guide administrator(s) on how to effectively use the Goal Management Module.

The Goal Management Module is part of the Talent Management Suite (TMS) of modules which extend the functionality of the existing Learnsoft Learning Management System (LMS).

The Goal Management Module allows assigned administrators (normally part of the HR function) to create goals that can be assigned and propagated throughout the organization. It also seamlessly integrates with the LMS to enable relevant training to be included in the performance management process.

Combined with the Performance Management Module, the system also provides a single dashboard to view, edit and complete forms and provides extensive reporting, assignment and notification features.

The Goal Management Module also provides for highly customizable manager utilization, including the capability to customize organizational goals to specific needs of their divisions / departments, as well as easily and quickly perform reviews, create and manage goals and view analytics and reports.

There are typically 3-steps involved creating goals:

  • Create Goal Ratings
  • Create Goal Categories
  • Create Goals

To access the Goals Feature where you can create goals, use the Advanced View >; User Management dropdown menu and select Goal.

Screenshot 01 - Advanced View > User Management > Goal drop down menu

This will bring up the Goal List

For further information on how to create goal ratings, goal categories and goals see the associated documentation:

  • Goals - How to Guide (Step-by-Step)
  • Goals - Quick Start Guide