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Digital Documents (Attachments) - How-to Guide

How to Add Digital Documents to Courses

To Add a Digital Document to a (Learning Object) Course…

1.       Navigate to the Learning Object Details page of the Desired Course, Advanced View > Learning Objects > Courses (select a Course from the Course List).

Screenshot 1 – Course Details page

2.       Scroll to the lower portion of the screen to access the Attachment Section of the Learning Object Details page.

Screenshot 2 – Attachments Section (highlighted) of Course Details Page

3.       Click the New Attachment button. This will bring up the Add Attachment pop-up screen.

Screenshot 3 – Add Attachment pop-up screen

4.       Select the attachment Type from the dropdown menu. a.       Course Document, Others, Primary Image or User Document

Screenshot 4 – Document Type Dropdown Menu

5.       Click the Choose File button to launch the Windows menu system by which to choose the digital document to add.

Screenshot 5 – Windows menu allowing you to select Digital Document

6.       Select the desired Digital Document file & click Open to select the file and return to the Add Attachment pop-up screen.

7.       Enter Name and Description in the respective fields.

8.       Click the Upload File button to add the document to the Course Object.

a.       The pop-up screen will close and the object will be added to the Attachment Section.

Screenshot 6 – Attachment Section with Icon representing Digital Document

9.       If wishing to edit, click the pencil icon to the right (Note: Name and Description info can be edited. If replacing documents, first click the red X to delete and then add a new document).

NOTE: Attachments to be seen by all attendees are added at the Learning object / Course level Only. (Attachments that can be seen by users with access to Learning Objects, e.g. Instructors, Admins, can be added at the Instance Level, but these will not be seen by users. Instructors can also select users from the roster to send attachments to enrollees in a specific class instance - use the Actions button, email options and select an attachment to add (Browse).

How to Access Digital Documents Attached to Courses

Note: Pop-up blockers must be disabled to access digital documents.

To Access a Digital Document attached to a (Learning Object) Course in which you are enrolled…

1.       Login to the LMS system, navigate to the MyCourses Tab and find the specific course.

Screenshot 7 – My Courses Tab containing courses with Digital Documents (Attachments).

2.       Click on the Attachment link (text or paperclip icon) to the right of the course.

Screenshot 8 – Attachment Link & Icon.

3.       A new window will pop-up. It will contain a dropdown listing allowing for selection if there are multiple attachments.

Screenshot 9 – Pop-up Screen containing dropdown menu of available Digital Documents

4.       The initial Digital Document (attachment) should also auto-load in the front-most screen. a.       If not loading, disable pop-up blocker.

Screenshot 10 – First Digital Document

5.       Use the dropdown menu or navigation buttons to select and load additional documents (if any)