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In the Learnsoft LMS, Rating Types (aka Ratings or Evaluation Ratings) are essentially the predefined responses available to users who are completing evaluations. The Learnsoft LMS supports the use of two basic kinds of Evaluations –

  1. Class / Instructor Evaluations completed by students. (Evaluations can also be used by instructors to evaluate students in a class).
  2. Performance Evaluations related to the Talent Management modules of the Learnsoft system, in which a manager or peer evaluates an employee

Rating Types are often created in groups that allow for logical responses to evaluation questions. For example, True / False, Yes / No, Unsatisfactory / Satisfactory, Poor / Below Average / Average/ Above Average / Excellent, etc.

Another attribute of Rating Types is a Score. Each rating can have a numeric value associated with it. This allows for mathematical scoring allowing for greater insights into Evaluation Reporting.