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LMS Release Notes

Updates to Production - Applied to All or Most Accounts -

Release anticipated 10/25/2017week beg 10/30/201 (Pushed back from 10/25/2017)
IL 516 - Fixes issue - Completion Date added via excel uploader added to both transcript (current) and session (fix)
IL 518 - Fixes issue - Courses that require enrollment approval that are part of a certification can no be enrolled in through the certification
SRX05405 - Fixes issue when converting to pdf, hire date was getting cutoff (will not impact ALL clients) SRX05326 - Fixes issue with Guest Activation not being enabled (will not impact all clients)

Release 10/13/2017 (Pushed back from 10/06/2017)
SRX03782 - Fixes issue - delegate selection in user lookup - large delegate list had looping after reviewing a certain number of users
SRX04570 - Fixes issue - classroom course with required grade and force evaluation - if marked completed by instructor prior to evaluation and test score - will move to class session complete not completed failed.