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How to access the Schedule Report Feature

1. Use the Advanced View > Reports drop down menu to select the item Schedule Report.

2. This will bring up the Schedule report List, a listing of all reports which have previously been scheduled.

How to Create a Scheduled Report

Scheduled Reports are only available to CSA’s (and designated Report Admins with Schedule Report rights).

1. Navigate to the Schedule Report section.

2. Click the New button.

3. This will bring up a blank Schedule Report details page. There are generally 3 sections (details may differ depending on underlying report parameters): Schedule Report Section - Controls the Report Scheduling / Distribution, User Info Details - User and date filter options., Selector - Learning object (e.g. Course, Certification), Job, Availability, etc. filter options.

  • NOTE: Only the Schedule Report Section will be detailed in this document. For the other sections, see general REPORT Documentation.

4. Enter a name for the Scheduled Report in the Report Schedule Name text field. a. Optional - Enter a Description for the scheduled report. This will make it easier when reviewing and searching in the future.

5. Use the Report drop down to select a report you wish to schedule from the list of existing reports.

6. Select the Scheduling parameters (Click the Scheduled? checkbox, Use the Scheduled Type drop down selector to select the frequency, of Use the Export Type drop down selector to select the report attachment export format

7. Select the Recipient parameters: a. Groups, b. Available Users -

8. Enter the email subject in the Email Subject text box.

9. Enter the email message in the Email Body text box.

10. Select the Specific filters using the User Info Details and Selector sections.

11. Once all entries have been made and all filters selected, click the Save button.

12. The Schedule Report Page will be available in review mode. If wishing to Edit, click the Edit button. If wishing to Cancel and return to the Report List where this report will now be displayed, click the Cancel button.

How to Edit a Scheduled Report

1. Navigate to the Schedule Report feature / Schedule Report List.

2. Use the navigation, sort and search functions to find the desired report and click on the report Name to bring up the Schedule Report Details for the selected report.

3. Click the Edit button to enter edit mode.

4. Make necessary edits.

5. Click Save to retain edits or click Cancel to cancel changes and return to Schedule Report List.

How to Unschedule a Scheduled Report

1. Navigate to the Schedule Report feature / Schedule Report List.

2. Use the navigation, sort and search functions to find the desired report and click on the report Name to bring up the Schedule Report Details for the selected report.

4. Uncheck the Scheduled? Checkbox.

5. Click Save to retain change or click Cancel to cancel changes and return to Schedule Report List.

How to Delete a Scheduled Report

1. Navigate to the Schedule Report feature / Schedule Report List.

2. Click the Gearbox icon to bring up additional options.

3. Select All or Delete and click Apply. The Delete column will appear to the far right.

4. Use the navigation, sort and search functions to find the desired report and click on the Red X in the row of the Scheduled Report you wish to delete. a. Note: Unlike other delete options, there may be no confirmation message and once click the item will be deleted.

5. The Scheduled Report will be deleted and the Schedule Report List will refresh to show the new listing minus the deleted report.