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Report Tab Overview

Reports Tab Overview

The Learnsoft LMS provides extensive reporting capabilities, including the capability to customize reports.

There are two broad categories of reports, One-Click Reports and Selectable Reports.

  • One-Click Reports - Reports within the Performance Management Tab are generally one-click meaning that when the report link (or button) is selected, they will generate a report in a separate window. The generally do not require user selection of report scope criteria, though there may be dropdown boxes to select from predefined reporting timeframes prior to clicking the report link.

  • Selectable Reports – Reports within the Report Tab are generally selectable reports. They require one or more parameters to be entered before the report can be generated. For example, a specific user, a group of users (e.g. “managers”) and / or a specific division within the organization. Also, they often offer far greater selection filtering by user defined date parameters.

A brief listing of the STANDARD reports in the LMS and a general step-by-step process to access, filter, generate, view, print, export and schedule reports appears below.

Report Name       Admin       Client SuperAdmin       Instructor       Report Admin       Super Admin       Manager       Epic Admin       Epic Principal Trainer 45 Day Out Report       x       x              x       x Active/ Inactive Course Listing Report       x       x              x       x Attendance Tracking Roster Report       x       x              x       x Certificate Completion Report       x       x              x Class Roster Sign In Sheet       x              x       x       x Classes Taught By Instructor       x              x              x Completion Report [Excel Exportable]       x       x       x       x              x       x       x Completion Report [Excel Exportable] With Subcatalog       x       x       x       x              x       x       x Completion Report [Excel Exportable] With Totals – Classroom Courses       x       x       x       x              x       x       x Completion Report [Excel Exportable] With Totals – Online Courses       x       x       x       x              x       x       x Completion Report [With Not Enrolled Status]       x       x              x Completion Report SSFHS       x       x                     x       x Course - Catalog Listing [Excel Exportable]       x       x              x       x Course & Instructor Evaluation       x       x       x       x Course & Instructor Evaluation Aggregate       x       x       x       x Course & Instructor Evaluation Comments - By Respondents       x       x       x       x Course & Instructor Evaluation Comments - By Questions       x       x       x       x Course & Instructor Evaluation Export       x       x       x       x Course & Instructor Generic Evaluation Report [Consolidated][Questions]       x       x              x       x Course Enrollment Status Report       x       x Course Not Attended Report       x       x Course Not Graded Report       x       x              x Delinquency Report       x       x              x Employee Completion Report       x       x              x       x Enrollment Report       x       x              x Enrollment Report With Totals       x       x              x Finance Report       x       x              x       x Finance Report [Last Month]              x Group Employee Transcript       x       x                     x       x Incomplete Report [Excel Exportable]              x              x              x Instructor Schedule Report       x       x       x       x       x Intercompany Journal Transfer Form              x Learners Hours Report       x       x              x       x       x Monthly / Quarterly Attendance Report By Facility              x              x No Show Listing Report       x                            x Organizational - Course Summary              x Past Due Courses Report              x              x Resource Order Reconciliation Report       x       x              x       x Student Listing Report       x       x              x Student Listing Report (Physicians)              x Student Schedule Report       x       x              x       x       x Student Schedule Report [Excel Exportable]       x       x              x       x       x Test Question Analysis By Course       x       x              x       x Test Question Analysis By Individual       x       x              x       x

**Users can only view data for the Cost Centers they have rights to.