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LMS Release Notes

Updates to Production - Applied to All or Most Accounts -

Release 03/07/2018
CR 1644 - Enhancement - Allows for greater customization of evaluation templates
SRX05743 - Fixes issue - Course disclaimer now fully shown for eCommerce transactions
Enhancement - Allows clients with multitenant architecture to limit instructor access and not see divisions from other regions
SRX05830- Fixes issue - Ensure "Paper Certificate" Selected as part of Certification becomes the printable certificate after user completes certification requirements

  • SRX05743If -you Fixesenroll issuein -a Coursecourse disclaimervia nowthe fullycertification, shownthe option to print the certificate for eCommerceindividual transactions
    courses Enhancement(this -includes Allowsthe clientsdefault paper certificate) is no longer there. So after completing one of two courses in a certification the user will no longer be able to print a paper cert for completion of that course. Only after all courses have been completed, the certificate associated with multitenantthe architecturecertification towill limitprint. instructor access and not see divisions from other regions

Release 02/21/2018
CR 1631 - Enhancement - Allows selection of multiple users from different pages to be selected to be added to courses
CR 1611 - Enhancement - Once No Show is marked, User / Manager, can no longer cancel / move. Must create new enrollment. Allows full tracking of no show / fail status.
CR 1422 - Enhancement - LOI View, upon completion return to most recent LO search rather than full LO list
CR 1263 - Enhancement - EOY release "Show Items" in Assignment > job Class and job code functions now same as in Job position

Release 02/16/2018
Specific client updates for reports and eval default templates.

EOY Release 01/31/2018
For the Dec 2017 - Jan 2018 End of Year Release Admin Wiki Guide: View here

On 705 Sandbox testing 11-20-2017 for Release shortly thereafter
SRX05419 - Fixes issue - Multiple emails received when changes are made to a course instance or roster.
SRX05414 - Fixes issue - Allows SCORM test scores to be recorded and status to move to "Class session Complete" if instructor marks user completed but SCORM test has not yet been taken.

Release 11/6/2017
Fixes issue - /LSGLM Database error when trying to sort by department, Overview - Group Manger, - Red status icon clicked - session list displayed, Gearbox / Department column added .

CSS Changes 11/4 and 11/6
SRX04886 Fixes issue - Fixes issue some browsers were having when adding new assignment. Screen was enlarging.

Release week beg 10/30/201 (Pushed back from 10/25/2017)
IL 516 - Fixes issue - Completion Date added via excel uploader added to both transcript (current) and session (fix)
IL 518 - Fixes issue - Courses that require enrollment approval that are part of a certification can no be enrolled in through the certification
SRX05405 - Fixes issue when converting to pdf, hire date was getting cutoff (will not impact ALL clients) SRX05326 - Fixes issue with Guest Activation not being enabled (will not impact all clients)

Release 10/13/2017 (Pushed back from 10/06/2017)
SRX03782 - Fixes issue - delegate selection in user lookup - large delegate list had looping after reviewing a certain number of users
SRX04570 - Fixes issue - classroom course with required grade and force evaluation - if marked completed by instructor prior to evaluation and test score - will move to class session complete not completed failed.