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Evaluations - Overview

The purpose of this manual is to guide administrator(s) on how to effectively manage the Evaluation functionality of the LMS. Evaluations enable the creation, distribution, completion collection, aggregation and reporting of appraisal information.

The Learnsoft LMS supports the use of two basic kinds of Evaluations –

  1. Class / Instructor Evaluations completed by students. (Evaluations can also be used by instructors to evaluate students in a class).
  2. Performance Evaluations related to the Talent Management modules of the Learnsoft system, in which a manager or peer evaluates an employee

This guide will focus on the Class / Instructor Evaluations.

A Sample Evaluation form is below:

The Evaluation Process

There are 3 basic activities associated with evaluations: 1) Creation; 2) Use; 3) Reporting.

  • Evaluation Creation: There are four basic steps to the Evaluation Creation Process:
    • 1) Create Ratings – Evaluation Answers and Scoring (see separate Ratings – How to Guide)
    • 2) Create Evaluations – Name the evaluation, select the evaluation type, associate default rating and select attributes.
    • 3) Create Evaluation Questions – After the evaluation is saved, specific questions to include in the evaluation form can be added and rating, scoring, comments and additional attributes selected.
    • 4) Apply Evaluations to Courses – At the course level, select the specific evaluation from a dropdown list of saved evaluations; at the instance level, select whether to make the evaluation mandatory.
  • Evaluation Use - From a user standpoint, the user needs to access, complete and save the evaluation.
  • ''''EvaluationEvaluation Reporting -'- Finally, the administrator, manager or instructor can view evaluation related reports.

For further information see the following documentation:

  • Evaluations - How to Guide (Step-by-Step)
  • Evaluations - Quick Start Guide